Launching of Mbog Liaa USA West Coast Chapter In Partnership With Mbai Bassa California

From Friday 11/22/2019 to Sunday 11/24/2019 participants from Cameroon, Europe and North America attended events organized throughout the San Francisco Bay area and Silicon Valley. The goal was to celebrate the Bassa-Mpoo-Bati Culture, educate the general public about the Bassa-Mpoo-Bati culture, launch the activities of Mbog Liaa USA West Coast in partnership with Mbai Bassa California and other West Coast based Bassa Mpoo Bati organizations.

Mbog Liaa USA West Coast is a new chapter of Mbog Liaa USA. It will offer Bassa-Mpoo-Bati Associations and communities in the West Coast of the USA a common platform to coordinate and scale up their actions.

For Alain Nonga President of Mbai Bassa California and newly installed President of Mbog Liaa USA West Coast section, the success of the events was well beyond organizers’ expectations: (1) Based on their own feedback, we know that participants had a very good time; (2) Through our activities the general public and other communities in the San Francisco Bay area discovered the dynamism of our people and the richness of our culture; (3) We all agreed on the utmost importance of working together as a community and coordinating our actions to have a meaningful impact on the ground. There is a real momentum toward that goal. The launching of the Mbog Liaa USA West Coast section is just one of the first steps. Participants left with a set of action items to work on and prioritize in order to define some common goals in the short term, mid term and long term.

We want to thank all participants. They are the ones who really made this a tremendous success. Their energy and enthusiasm were palpable.
Our special thanks to Jerome & Sara Minlend who traveled all the way from Cameroon to support us. We owe them a huge debt and a lot of gratitude for their dedication and exceptional leadership at the service of the Bassa-Mpoo-Bati culture. We also thank Pie Bayehe, President of Mbog Liaa USA for his tremendous support at the forefront and behind the scenes.


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